
Went ahead and redrew this piece from 2001.  Don’t know if I’ll get around to coloring it, so here it is all sketchy!


  • Tweaked the pose in places to be more natural.  It may have lost some of the dynamicness of the original, what do you think?
  • She’s now cocking the arrow as opposed to… whatever she was doing before. She’s also holding the bow and arrow with the correct hands. (She’s right-handed.)
  • Body proportions are… in proportion.
  • Her body shape is more like what I picture in my head.
  • Also I have an art degree this time around. :B

Old version:



I don’t entirely hate this one. It’s a picture of Hue Scarlett, from the Hues, my previously-mentioned magical girl fiction project.  I should redo this picture with my current skills.

That’s it for the stuff from 2001!  Maybe in another year, I’ll look through the stuff from 2002. ^_^;;


Aw yeah, it’s 10-year-old Gundam Wing fanart!

I had a brief crush on Heero (top center) at the time. Of course, I hadn’t really seen that much of the show at that point, but that didn’t mattter.


IT’S A… um… Sailor Moon after a few generations of accumulated blingitude?

Yeah, I think at the time, I was just trying to add a ridiculous amount of bling to this future-reincarnation of Sailor Moon.


I was a really big fan of Sailor Moon O: Orion’s Story, a really awesome Sailor Moon fanfiction from back in the day.  This is am illustrated moment from the story, which had something like 40 chapters planned (to fit into a typical TV season of Sailor Moon) and actually got to around the 30-35 chapter mark before the author got a life and lost interest in it.

She’s now a published romance novel writer under the pen name Merry Shannon, so hooray for her. :)  We’re still friends on Facebook after all these years.


This is one of the few colored drawings in this sketchbook.  I did a few of them in the first few pages of this sketchbook, but it didn’t last.

Samishii and Yousei are two characters from my very embarrassing original fiction, Sailor Moon-inspired/loving-ripoff magical girl story, The Hues.  It’s my baby, and I still have a huge soft spot for it, but it pains me because I can’t really produce it without feeling weird about it.

This was also apparently the period where I was dotting my i’s with circles.


It’s ocurred to me recently that my collection of past sketchbooks is starting to get pretty old.  I’ve used the same type of sketchbook for just over ten years now; about 8.5 x 11 inches, hardcover, perfect bound.  The first one I ever got was a Christmas present from my sister, and came from Barnes & Noble, no doubt.  I covered it in anime pictures I’d printed out from the internet, and named it Belldandy.

Anyways, I used it a little when I first got it, but I didn’t really start making a conscious effort to carry it around with me regularly until about halfway through my freshman year of high school, which would be late 2000/early 2001.

So the first quarter of the sketchbook now contains drawings that are ten or more years old.

Let’s do this.