

iā€™m on mastodon

so any of you dudes want to follow me over there once Twitter burns to the ground, Iā€™m @alexheberling@mastodon.social

OKAY strap in, grandmaā€™s learned how to wield Mastodon and Iā€™ve got URLs

for my art: https://mastodon.art/@alexheberling

for my social yammering: https://mastodon.social/@alexheberling

Mastodonā€™s got some pretty interesting features, so Iā€™d suggest giving it a try. :)





The Fat Census will be available on November 7th, 2017 for all fat bodied people. This survey is created to radicalize research around fat bodies and to create more tangible data to name the violence and experiences we have as fat people. We will be releasing the results of the census in an executive summary along with demands for resources for fat bodies in January 2018.

Check out more information on FreeFigure.org.

Available now on FreeFigure.org! ???

Fat friends, take this! I did and it was amazing and it includes so many intersections and just.. I canā€™t stress enough how important this is.