I’m watching Homeward Bound



Because I make bad choices about movies that made me bawl as a child.

But anyways.

I want to know more about the old guy who nurses Sassy back to health. Is he a mountain man survivalist? Does he live in that remote cabin all the time? Does he own the goat that provided the milk? What is his life like?

i think he is a man who found a simpler life in the mountains. i like to think what his life would be like if Sassy didn’t have another family to go to and she stayed and they became friends. taking in the natural beauty of the fields

I examined the backgrounds of the cabin scenes to try to glean more from the set design!

We meet the dude while he’s eaglewatching. Dude appears to be super into eagles and perhaps birdwatching in general? He’s got a taxidermy or stuffed bird in one corner, and some long feathers collected in like a jar. And has been watching eagles for at least 4 months. Perhaps he retired to his remote cabin?

Alex Heberling

Alex Heberling here. I own the place.

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