

“why should i watch babylon 5?”

what i want to say: it deals with loss, morality, addiction, love, war, oppression, and many other things. it shows you that people aren’t always completely good or bad, that most people have gray areas. it shows you how important everything is. it has many deep and wonderful quotes, like delenn’s we are star stuff speech. it’s a very important show that means a lot to me.

what actually comes out: Femslash




Natural sculptures by Andy Goldsworth

“Andy Goldsworthy is an extraordinary, innovative British artist whose collaborations with nature produce uniquely personal and intense artworks. Using a seemingly endless range of natural materials—snow, ice, leaves, bark, rock, clay, stones, feathers petals, twigs—he creates outdoor sculpture that manifests, however fleeting, a sympathetic contact with the natural world. Before they disappear, or as they disappear, Goldsworthy, records his work in superb colour photographs.”

There is a documentary on him and his art on youtube! It’s called Rivers and Tides and it is fucking amazing and incredibly inspiring everyone should see it.