I’m Jess! My favorite ship is currently Touya x Yukito from Cardcaptor Sakura, my favorite ice cream flavor is all of them (esp ones with chocolate cookies in them) and I do not have a cat since I’m allergic. Did I miss anything?

HI!  Loved that pair in CCS as well.  Haven’t read it since high school, or watched much of the anime, but it’s on my list of things to revisit.

All ice cream is beautiful in [insert deity or otherwise of choice]’s eyes.  I usually go for cookies and cream. :D

dear 98% of the people that follow me that dont talk to me





Who are you

Whats your favorite color

Favorite ship

Favorite ice cream flavor

Do you have a cat


reblogging again bc I already got some from really cute people, but it makes me unreasonably happy to read these from you SO KEEP ON SENDING THEM 

Do this please! I love you guys! Come say hi!!!


heyyyyyyy do the thing



This has been a week. Long, stupid story short, my car is smashed and I’m selling my house because of reasons. Right now, I still have about 50 boxes of books and shirts in my house’s basement, and nowhere to put them, so I might as well move them to your houses. Stuff is all ridiculously reduced so I can get it outta here. This means I’m having the biggest sale I’ve ever done.

YU+ME dream was $75 a set, now it’s $35, more than half off.
Meaty Yogurt was $20, now $10.
Darlin’ It’s Betta was $20-$25, now $15
Shirts were $18, now $10-$12.

I’m not reordering any of this stuff, so once it’s gone, it’s gone. I hope to get it sold, fix my car, and empty my house out by end of September. So if you’re thinking Christmas presents, think now.