



Hi, folks.  Early this morning, Eric and I woke up to find that our Kickstarter had jumped from around $1,500 pledged to over $10,000 overnight.  While that may look like great news, 90% of this funding is coming from a single account, who pledged $9,000.  This is from a new account who has not so far successfully backed/given money to any other projects, and their history of backing does not in the least show that this could possibly be a real and generous miracle pledge.

This is highly likely a troll.  We are currently doing our very best to fix this issue as quickly as possible.  In the meanwhile, PLEASE continue supporting the Kickstarter!


Despite the sucky situation we’re currently in, we are genuinely happy that we have legitimately reached $1,875 funding.  Thank you for everyone who has supported us early in the campaign.  Your help is irreplaceable!

People who post fake pledges to indie cartoonists’ kickstarters are actual pond scum, and stuff like this can have serious negative financial consequences for the victims. If you’d like to help, please signal boost and consider sending this project some *real* pledges. You’ll get some rad queer comics out of it, AND the satisfaction of pissing off the jerkface who’s trying to sabotage them!

OH MY DING DANG, screw fake pledgers!!!!  This project is amazing, go back it with some legit funds (I was the first pledger to it, hi yes I’m very proud!)  I hope this gets resolved!

UGHHHHHHHH I will do everything in my power to make sure this doesn’t happen to other folks! Signal boost and spread the word, get this project some backers!

A kicktroller pledged (then later filed a chargeback for) $1000 for my first KS.  IT SUCKED A LOT.  To the OP, report the profile to Kickstarter so they can take action!



So, you may or may not know, but I am a HUGE fan of Lego.  Have been since I was a kid, but I recently started amassing lego sets/loose legos again.  I discovered that putting together the creator/expert sets is a really effective pain distraction for me.


While perusing the Lego Ideas site (where fan-based designs and sets are potentially picked from to create new lego sets), I ran across these 2 accessibility-themed sets.


So awesome!  But they need your help.  In order to move forward in the process, they have to amass 10,000 votes of support!  The first project is  just over halfway there with 21 days left, and the second is just starting out with 65 days left.


Supporting accessible themed items/sets in Lego opens a door to visibility in toys that doesn’t really exist yet.  So go support these projects.  You will have to sign up for a lego id in order to vote, but it’s totally worth it if it means getting this kind of visibility and consideration  into a super popular “kids” toy line.


For the first project: VISIT THIS LINK

For the second projecT: VISIT THIS LINK





Naoko Takeuchi ✖ Rainbow Hair Shades

While Sailor Moon already showcases an impressive variety of unreal hair, like Sailor Mercury’s blue and Sailor Pluto’s green, series creator Naoko Takeuchi liked to sometimes push the envelope by portraying all her characters with a rainbow of hair colours. Before finalising her designs she toyed with making Sailor Moon’s iconic blonde dumplings pink or white, and used her original colour spreads to explore what could have been. (Image scans from MangaStyle.net.)



Speaking of pretty flowers, may I present to you the “Eighteen Scholars”, the flower of my heart-a variation of Camellia japonica L. Its uniqueness lies in the layers and layers of petals-one flower can hold as much as 130 petals.

Named “Eighteen Scholars” in Chinese because at the most, one bush can have up to eighteen of these pretty darlings :3



Speaking of pretty flowers, may I present to you the “Eighteen Scholars”, the flower of my heart-a variation of Camellia japonica L. Its uniqueness lies in the layers and layers of petals-one flower can hold as much as 130 petals.

Named “Eighteen Scholars” in Chinese because at the most, one bush can have up to eighteen of these pretty darlings :3