

imagedocholligay replied to your post: “Really, kids, you want to make your space a better one? Just say no to…”:

SECONDED. I have most of them straight up blocked, I just, I can’t. I love my bubble. My bubble is a happy place.

I have every last one that crosses my path blocked and will happily add to that list as necessary. I don’t have time or patience for drama bullshit, and that’s literally all they are. People complaining about toxicity and negativity everywhere? If they’d just come together to ignore confession blogs, I swear like 90% of that crap would vanish overnight.

You hold an opinion about characters or situations or whatever that you feel that strongly about? Pour that energy into showing everyone else why they should feel like you do. Some won’t, and that’s fine, but some WILL, and then amazing things happen.

You don’t build anything worth anything out of negativity.

And simply adding “confessions” to your XKit blacklist is not enough, it seems! Today I added confessions*, confession*, *confessions*, and *confession* just to cover all my wildcard bases, since most blogs will have the word/s in their name and tags.

HNNNNGH so much more peaceful now.