





  1. Pokemon Red
  2. Pokemon Blue
  3. Pokemon Gold
  4. Pokemon Silver
  5. Pokemon Bronze
  6. Pokemon Red Fire
  7. Pokemon Grass Green
  8. Pokemon Ruby Tuesday
  9. Pokemon Safe Fire
  10. Pokemon A B C
  11. Pokemon X Y Z
  12. Pokemon Now I know my A B C’s
  13. Pokemon Dungeon Dice Monsters
  14. Pokemon The Last Airbender
  15. Pokemon of the Galaxy
  16. Pokemon Horror Story: Asylum
  17. Pokemon Horror Story: Coven
  18. Pokemon Horror Story: ….Coven 2
  19. Pokemon Ping Pong
  20. Pokemon Party 
  21. Pokemon Party 8
  22. PokeKart: Double Dash
  23. Pokemon Crunch Wrap Supreme 
  24. Pokemon Cross Dress
  25. Pokemon Fingerblast
  26. Pokemon Facebook Edition
  27. Pokemon Who?
  28. Castlevania 2: Simon’s Quest

LEAFGREEN not Grass Green

yes thank you. THAT’S the one game i needed to be corrected on.

1. Final Fantasy
2. Final Fantasy II
3. Final Fantasy III
4. Final Fantasy IV
5. Final Fantasy V
6. Final Fantasy VI
7. Final Fantasy VII
8. Final Fantasy VIII
9. Final Fantasy IX
10. Final Fantasy X
11. Final Fantasy XI: Online
12. Final Fantasy XII
13. Final Fantasy XIII
14. Final Fantasy XIV: Online
15. Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest
16. Final Fantasy: Adventure
17. The Final Fantasy Legend
18. The Final Fantasy Legend II
19. The Final Fantasy Legend III
20. Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles
21. Final Fantasy X-2
22. Final Fantasy XIII-2
23. Final Fantasy: All The Bravest
24. Theatrhythm Final Fantasy
25. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers
26. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of TIme
27. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates
28: Final Fantasy Tactics


  1. Dance Dance Revolution
  2. Dance Dance Revolution SuperNova 2
  3. Dance Dance Revolution X
  4. Dance Dance Revolution X2
  5. Dance Dance Revolution USA
  6. Dance Dance Revolution Mobile 3D
  7. Dance Dance Revolution DVD Game
  8. DDR Dance Wars
  9. Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix
  10. Dance Dance Revolution with Mario
  11. Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix
  12. Dance Dance Revolution Disney Mix
  13. Dance Dance Revolution Konamix
  14. Dance Dance Revolution SuperNova
  15. Dance Dance Revolution SuperNova 2
  16. Dance Dance Revolution X
  17. DDRMAX Dance Dance Revolution
  18. DDRMAX2 Dance Dance Revolution
  19. Dance Dance Revolution Extreme
  20. Dance Dance Revolution Extreme 2
  21. Dance Dance Revolution Disney Channel Edition
  22. Dance Dance Revolution X2
  23. Dance Dance Revolution Strawberry Shortcake
  24. Dance Dance Revolution Disney Mix
  25. My First Dance Dance Revolution>
  26. Dance Dance Revolution Hottest Party
  27. Dance Dance Revolution Hottest Party 2
  28. Dance Dance Revolution Disney Grooves







Treat yourself!

This episode originally aired on October 13th.

Today is Treat Yo Self Day!

♪♪treat yo self 2014♪♪

So no relevant at all to the topic of SOFFA, but it is important to take care of yourself in a responsible way. So, treat yourself today! (and a little bit everyday after today!)

Sooooooooo it’s okay that I just bought $100 of fabric. Excellent.


Did anyone ask for a Senshi six-pack?


I love that cxxhey tagged me in the post asking about what kind of beer the girls would drink, ya’ll know me so well, and of course I have answers! 


Michiru’s beer, like Michiru herself, would be complicated and difficult to like. From what we’ve seen on the show, she likes wine quite a bit, so something with some cellar-like notes would be good. She also would need to drink something obscure and snooty, so that no bar would ever have it and she can go on being queen empress goddess of knowing everything. 

So I go with a Biere de Garde


an obscure French beer that has super herbal notes, and the effervescence is sort of strange, at least in the few I’ve had- almost champagne-y, and so presents really nicely in the glass, which I think she could appreciate. Mostly they’re unfiltered, but I don’t think that would turn her off. 


Haruka drinks beer, but I don’t know that’s she’s specifically a beer enthusiast. I headcanon her as actually having a bit of a sweet tooth, but I can see her not wanting to order something she would perceive as too girly, or not suitably ‘tough’, like a fruit beer. So I imagine she’d actually go with a very common, inoffensive standby. 


Now, Coors Light is an offense against man and God alike, so it may surprise you to know that Coors original is my favorite “standard” beer of the common “drinking man’s beers” and I think Haruka would choose something not overly pretentious and curated like serious microbrews. It’s easy drinking and generally cheap. 


The beer that is currently in front of her. She can find appreciation for all of God’s Children. 


I think Rei would really appreciate something heady and dark, but without too much complexity. Something that really fills you up so she can just sip on it all night instead of getting wasted and accidentally kissing Mina doing God knows what. 


Stout, the best known (but certainly not best) of which is Guinness, have a richness and a maltiness to them, but there’s very much a hidden sweetness and chocolatiness in many of the best examples that I think Rei would appreciate as long as nobody knew she was doing it. Much like staring at Mina


Usagi doesn’t like beer, because it’s not sweet, and one day Mina turns her on to Lambic: 


And she LOVES it, and Haruka argues that it’s beer in the same way that a dog biscuit is technically a cookie, but Usagi doesn’t care, she just likes looking grown-up and drinking from her fancy glass.


You can’t have any, you’re too young. 


Frankly, Mako is more interested in making bread out of the beer than drinking it, but when she does get something, she’s found that she has a real appreciation for Banana Bread Ale: 


She always tells people it’s better than it sounds, and she’s not wrong: she really appreciates the fruitiness and nuttiness of it, and she enjoys drinking it on hot days when she’s still baking in kitchen. 


Ami has trouble letting herself get loose, but when she does, she usually prefers something standard, like a wheat beer like a Beltian:


A beer that is readily-available, easy to drink, and isn’t among the higher alcohol content beers all combine for a pretty satisfactory beer experience for Ami, Mostly she enjoys being out with her friends as much as she enjoys any beer, though. 


Pluto goes the the Great American Beer festival, and tries everything excitedly. So many tastes and flavors, all of them so exciting and new, she can barely contain her excitement, asking so many questions of the brewers, being so genuinely excited about turning grain into this amazingly variant beverage that the brewers aren’t sure if she’s trolling. At the end of the night, she goes to buy a 6 of her favorite, and she comes back with this: 


And Haruka is just like, “Uh, that is…certainly in a beer can.” But Pluto just smiles, because she thought it was the MOST different and interesting of all. 

Because we all need Doc’s Senshi Beercanons in our lives.

(Reblogging again because I was on mobile before and eff that link noise.)