Darling anon, I never work in drafts. I shape and polish every word as I go along, so that there’s never a sloppy first or second draft, and if you think my method has the slightest negative impact on the finished work, you are clearly interpreting the text from the wrong ang-
Oh, wait, wrong glorified fanfic writer.
Not really, is kind of the answer! I wrote most of it in a sort of long first draft that meandered along to around chapter 13 more or less the same length and with essentially the same details as the finished one, and I left the last couple of chapters in really dodgy, skeleton format because by that point the plot had gotten away from me. Then I went over it chapter by chapter, tweaking and rewriting, and by the time I’d got back to the last parts (posting as I went along) I understood just about enough of what needed to happen to write the ending. This is a very scary way of writing, because while you guys were so excited to find out how it was going to end TO BE HONEST SO WAS I, but it worked, just about, that time around. I think I only had to delay one chapter because it wasn’t finished on time.
I really wish I could tell an interesting story about how Blue Sky was originally a coffee-shop AU set in space, but I would be lying my arse off.