Support SarahCate creating Illustrations
My patreon page is up and live! For my current followers/submitters:
-I will never require, demand, or expect you to support this project financially. PSA illustrations are now and always will be FREE.
-Nothing about the way PSA works has changed fundamentally
-You submit, I illustrate, I post the final piece
-If you submit with a “do not reblog” request, your piece will not be uploaded to patreon. It will only ever appear on the PSA tumblr blog
Patreon allows interested persons to sponsor my work. They pledge a certain amount of their choosing for each illustration I create and upload to my patreon page. They choose the amount to donate per piece, and the cap on their total amount to donate per month (in case I get especially prolific).It allows me to continue this project for free, while giving me a way to try and earn a living… more specifically, to earn money for my severely past due medical bills.
In time, if it works out, and once my medical bills are caught up- I’d like to be able to use Patreon to fund the goal of publishing a book of PSA illustrations.
But for now… it creates a way for me to try and regain some financial independence using the only craft I can still really DO. And it offers the opportunity to raise awareness of this project as well- and we all know how important visibility IS, for all of us.
I don’t expect anyone to sign up as a patron. But if you can share this post, and spread the word about PSA, and about the Patreon aspect of this project, I would be really really grateful.
In the meantime, thanks so much to all of you who have supported this project thus far, be it in submissions, kind comments, feedback, donations or even just… sharing.
I wish :love and spoons: to each and every one of you.