

you guys can not convince me that Cave Johnson and Caroline made this:


look at dat wundabread:


there is no way

Yep, this.

Which, if that’s your headcanon, that’s fine.  I’m not gonna fight anyone over it.  There’s room for everyone’s theories.

But Chell is not caucasian.  So I don’t buy it.


When poor folks are talking about things like sale codes at Target, or a certain brand and color of underwear at Walmart that is not the time to explain to us why it’s bad to shop at that place and that you buy organic, ethically sourced panties made by vegans by the light of the full moon on tuesday and that they are ONLY 50 dollars and it’s such a good thing to do. Keep that out of the conversation. You’re just going to piss us off.

I wrote about the intersection of class and fat fashion. I gave some pointers for those who are not poor and talking to poor folks about fat fashion. And gave a lil update. Go forth. Enjoy. (via nudiemuse)



Girl on a Vespa, original artwork.

Finally got this done….it definitely took a minute (The original sketch can be seen here).  This is definitely one of my favorite ones.  It’s nice to do something that’s a change of pace and not based on cartoons or comic fanart every once in a while.  And if you want this as a 11” x 17” print, then this link is definitely for you.

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Hnnnnnng, I love the jeans!