

My cartoonist autograph shirt!  This was taken when I had access to a large-format archival scanner at the OSU Cartoon Library in 2008, but back then, the t-shirt was only just starting to fill up on the front.  It is now nearly covered in signatures from all the cartoonists I have met at conventions.  I really ought to get some more up to date photos of it because it’s amazing.

The first people to sign it were Jeff Smith and Scott McCloud, which set a pretty high bar!  A lot of the cartoonists I’ve since asked to sign it were often honored and humbled to share autograph space with them.

I had to stop taking it with me to shows because they’re so little room left to sign!  (And also I’d be devastated if it got lost or stolen.)  Putting this here as a reminder of all the amazing people I’ve gotten to meet over the years.

Alex Heberling

Alex Heberling here. I own the place.