Why I Left the Rampage Network

Why I Left the Rampage Network



A part of my 12-year-old self has been put at peace.

Yes, this is… Sailor Moon, crossed over with Neopets.

I don’t really have anything else I can say.

This reminds me of the fanfic I started about the Uber Faeries.  I thought I still had my Neopets fanart somewhere, but I think it has been lost to the ages.


Curtain Call by *alex-heberling

Timelapse + commentary video: [link]

Once upon a time, in the ancient year of 2004, I drew a picture for my dad, who operates the bar at a theater, to advertise a house cocktail he created in order to use up some surplus liquor in stock. This drink was named THE CURTAIN CALL.

Not too long ago, I was visiting my parents for the holidays and saw a printout of the old artwork lying around the kitchen table. I was thinking to myself, “Man, I could do a much better job on this nowadays,” and apparently my dad was thinking the same thing, since he asked me to redo it.

Here it is, in all its Before-I-Went-To-Art-School glory: [x]



MyPaint sketches – Sami by *alex-heberling

I was away from my home computer for a few days, so I took my tablet along with me and played around with an open source art program called MyPaint. I like the simple controls! I did some sketching to get used to the program.

It’s time like this I wish my netbook’s screen were a bit taller, since I’m so used to working on a screen with a 4:3 ratio. I’m not sure what place MyPaint will have in my creative workflow, but its nice for a portable sketching program.