
[Image: Photo of a miniature Christmas tree with tiny presents underneath it, along with miniature My Little Ponies.]

Put up my tree for the first time in three years!  The last two years, I lived with roommates who had a full-size artificial tree, so I haven’t even pulled everything out in a long time.

Apparently the last time I packed up, I didn’t feel like taking the lights and garlands off, so a lot of the work was already done once I fluffed up the branches. ^_^;;




What does this picture mean?

Is it saying autistic children don’t play on playgrounds?  Well, that’s incorrect.  My husband preferred Legos to the playgrounds, but there also were, are, and will be typical children with such preferences.

Is it saying it’s a leap of faith to have a child amongst the soaring rates of autism (which actually don’t mean there are significantly more autistic people in the world, just more diagnosed and more autistic adults, diagnosed and undiagnosed, having kids of their own)?

Is it saying the parents in the picture might be the chosen ones to HAVE A NORMAL CHILD THAT PLAYS amidst all those autistic children who, for the sake of argument as pertaining to this image, don’t play?

What does this mean? 

The absence of any actual autistic kids in this picture says TONS about how much they “care”. 

What the fuck, Jim Borgman?