
[Image: A photo of three cosplayers from Legend of Korra in an arcade. Two chi-blockers are riding a tiny carousel, and Amon watches them with his arms up as if to say, “What the heck?”]





This is literally the best thing I’ve ever seen. 

More like the most canon thing I’ve every seen.

this is actually what they would have done if they had cancelled the championship game

“they listened to our ominous threat Amon sir”

“aww yiss dave n busters and ice cream for everyone on me”




[Image: Animated GIF of Beth Ditto being hot.]


I need to figure out how to style my hair that way.

STEP ONE: Be Beth Ditto



STEP FOUR: Profit?

On fat and “health”


Health is between a person and their doctor.  You can’t often tell health by looking at people, and other people’s health is not your business. “Health” is also often used as an excuse in our society to put down certain body types and people with those bodies.   If you say “ew fat people gross me out”, many people will say “wtfno”, if you say “fat people are really unhealthy and we shouldn’t encourage or support that behavior” then it’s a different reaction, even if the actions that come from both reactions end up being the same (shaming, not representing in media, jokes, feeling as if you can tell them about their bodies and their choices without them asking you for your opinion, etc.) It’s the “acceptable” way to put down fat people because after all you’re just looking out for their health right?

I know and have heard stories of “fat” people at the supermarket being told out of the blue by a stranger that they should choose the “diet” product, or that they should buy the skim milk.  They didn’t ask for any advice, but the person felt okay just telling them what they should eat because, well they’re fat, so they must be unhealthy and we’re just trying to help them!  But it’s rude, and it’s demeaning, whether it’s because the person only wanted to help them to be “healthy” or whether the person just wanted to be mean to a fat person and point out that “haha you’re fat.”

When you’re different from what’s considered the “norm” and “default” in society, people feel like they have a right to comment about your body or about you.  In some cases, they feel they can touch you.  My black friends have had people ask to touch their hair to see if it feels like “white hair”, some people touch without permission.  As a trans girl, I’m a constant object of fascination with people wondering what’s between my legs.  As an East Asian girl, people feel like they can ask me “where do you come from” with impunity (followed by “no where do you REALLY come from?” when I answer “Canada”), and make assumptions about whether I’m a citizen.  And one of my fat friends had somebody grab her stomach without her permission and jiggle it saying “but don’t you want to lose this?”

What’s “different” about our bodies is treated as public space.

Whether or not a person is healthy or not can’t be known by looking at them and more to the point, isn’t our business.  It’s theirs.

This is not about the original artist or her comments, this is about the context in which the critics are reacting from, that fat people are seen as okay targets to disrespect or to make assumptions of under the guise of “health.”  Their health is their business.  Kinda like what’s between my legs is mine. 

(Also for the anorexia stuff.  Yes anorexia is unhealthy, but we shouldn’t assume it based on body type.  There are many women you’d never expect to have severe eating disorders because of how they appear that do.   Also, anorexia isn’t exactly a “choice”, it’s complicated… it’s affected by social messages, but it’s also a mental illness, and often can have many other things involved too.  For me, social messages are where my brain latched onto, but it was triggered by PTSD.)

 I’m glad this post came along.


[Images: Two animated GIFs of LoriBeth Denberg sitting in a hot tub with three other men and a woman, saying: “I’ve got some vital information for you. I’m high as fuck!”]






Missed you, Lori Beth

oh my god this is my fucking dream are you kidding me



Lori Beth is on the TV!! Lori beth is on the TV!! This is not a drill! Lori Beth Denberg is on the TV!!!



[Image: An animated GIF of Chris Hemsworth speaking into a microphone and gesturing, captioned: “When Hulk punches Thor, the script said ‘And Hulk punches Thor in his big norse[sic] face.’”]

Oh Thor, this is why you’re my favorite.



I hope Tarrlock doesn’t get a date to the winter formal and has to spend the whole time sadly standing by the snack table while the person he likes dances with his best friend 

I hope Tarrlock comes into work and finds out someone replaced the water in his office waterfall wall with cranberry juice and he can never get the stains out of his clothes or make his desk unsticky

I hope Tarrlock gets a box of assorted chocolates but someone ate all of them except the coconut one

I hope Tarrlock didn’t get to see Li’l Sebastian at the Harvest Festival before Li’l Sebastian died

Korra, bby, I need you to channel some Avatar Kyoshi.


but I would also like to see this:

*connects to spirit world*

Aang: It’s nice to finally meet you, Avatar Korra.

Korra: Uh thanks. Listen Aang, I need your help.

Aang: I will do what I can.

Korra: This guy Tarrlock who’s on the council with your son kidnapped me and locked me up in spirits knows where, and now he’s trying to start a war between nonbenders and benders! Plus there’s Amon who is taking people’s bending away! What should I do?



Aang: Excuse me a minute.

Korra: What. But I—

Aang: Just one moment

Korra: O…kay. Listen Aang I dont think this is the time for—

Kyoshi: Child, Aang says you need to speak to me?

Korra:……Avatar Kyoshi?

Aang: Peace is the way but Kyoshi, I put my trust in you.


From: http://tracywilliams.deviantart.com/art/Korra-and-Kyoshi-298967252