
[Images:  Two GIFs of Lin Beifong swinging around on her metalbending cables in the pro bending arena, catching Korra and then throwing her up into the air.]


Lin’s got the MOVES.


[Image: a huge chart of seven female characters in 25 expressions each.]

25 Expressions: The Hues by =alex-heberling

Turns out it didn’t take very long at all!

WHAT HAVE I DONE?! Click through to download for maximum scrutiny. <3

My love for charts is a little scary sometimes. But this is a helpful tool for me!

Having all the girls laid out like this helps me compare and contrast expressions. I think I did a pretty good job of not giving every girl the same expression for every prompt across the board.

There are certainly improvements I can make, but I’m pretty proud of the work I’ve done. :D


[Image: A worksheet of 25 expressions for Andrea.]

25 expressions for Andrea. She surprised me with some of these… She’s easily the most emotive of the Hues.

For my newer followers, I’m working on the development of my dream project, The Hues.  It’s a comic series about a group of survivors of an alien invasion apocalypse that discover they have magical powers and can save the world.

Post Apocalyptic Magical Girls, fuck yeah.

So from time to time, I post my sketches and concept art.  I’ve been doing this facial expression worksheet for each of the 7 girls who are the main characters.

I’m shooting to launch the comic this summer!  You can look at the rest of my Hues art either in my art tag, The Hues tag, or in my Deviantart gallery. :D


[Image: Art Student Owl meme: a grey owl with yellow eyes and a cigarette hanging out of its beak against an alternating pinwheel background of gray, blue, and gold.

Top text: Digital Painting I.  Bottom text: Know more about Photoshop that your professor.]


During that quarter, I started my job at a late-night sub shop on campus, working until 4-5am and cleaning up after the drunks.  I would often nap for a few hours and stumble to my 12 o’clock class in a haze, or even skip sleep altogether.  It was a good thing I already knew what I was doing. ^_^;;