
[Image description: A pencil drawing of Sami, a medium-skinned girl with black hair in a ponytail, wearing lace fingerless gloves and a slip.  She is leaning on a vague wall with her hand and is halfway turned away from the viewer.]

I drew Sami again at work last night.

GUYS GUYS I have the first issue outlined. XDDDDD

I have so many anger feels about My Little Pony right now


But most of my followers don’t watch the show and don’t wanna hear about it while the rest of you will probably fucking crucify me because that’s what happens to people with legitimate fucking grievances in this fandom apparently because these cartoon ponies can do no wrong. So I’m slapping it under Read More and preparing for angry asks and unfollows like a bitch. Probably not enough people care for those things to happen.
Also, for the people who care, trigger warning! Ableist shit.

Read More



[Image description: A monochromatic animated GIF of the night sky.  A meteor is seen hitting the Earth’s atmosphere, lighting up briefly, then sputtering out.  A running timestamp is on the bottom border of the image.]

A meteor breaking up in the Earth’s atmosphere on Sept. 30, 2011.

Astronomy lusting time.



Image – screenshot from Minecraft of Lillian’s avatar which has short brown hair, a grey top and a red polka dot skirt/ pants (because you can’t have non pants in Minecraft ugh.)


I’m trying to log on but it keeps timing out…. T_T

The latest MLP episode

The latest MLP episode

The latest MLP episode

The latest MLP episode



Her legs are giving me an optical illusion headache.  I guess she has flies around her because her costume is so hard to get out she doesn’t shower very much.

This is a literal Escher Girl!  It’s just like the infinite staircase!

(My alternate analysis is that the artist had her pelvis drawn the other way around so her butt was turned towards the viewer, then decided it should face the other way instead and just redrew that area without changing the positions of her foot and knee relative to each other.)